Closing a summer that's been steaming, burning, and renewing This modern Lady Chatterley romance isn't all romantic: it's about transformation. In mindfulness terms, get present and embody yourself in the erotic game.
Thank you, Zoe, it was a pleasure to share ideas/ creativity for guiding inner growth, deepening reflections and awareness. All are welcomed in Wildlands. I'm cheering you on for accomplishing your book goals! I resonate with your goal, as I also share the vision of publishing books, too. ; )
You've got me curious and there were many lines in what I read that I would have highlighted. I look forward to reading more. Welcome back!
Thank you so much, Jill!
I like your style, choice of words and ideas! :) Look forward to reading more!!
Thanks so much, Elena! Stay around, and you will! :)
Thank you, Zoe, it was a pleasure to share ideas/ creativity for guiding inner growth, deepening reflections and awareness. All are welcomed in Wildlands. I'm cheering you on for accomplishing your book goals! I resonate with your goal, as I also share the vision of publishing books, too. ; )
Thanks Robin!