Choose Your Journey: the Self
“What is your aspiration?” my daughter and a book I was reading asked recently (the mysterious synchronicity of this!).
I took the dive and found: connection. Connection to the world of people.
I used to feel cut off from where life was happening. I looked on, never involved, never an insider.
I’m now standing mid-stream in the abundant stream of life — forests, clouds, farmhouses, myths, people that walk by speaking countless languages, known and unknown to me.
The connection to this abundance came when I had connected to my deeper self. I see now how connection has been my path all along.
Once I plugged into my deeper self, it released strength and balance, creativity and insight, a certain wisdom from knowing my why and wherefore. Protection too, from arbitrary choices, out of the harm’s way.
That’s what I must keep nurturing. It may send out my true broadcast into the world, creating paths to where I need to get and to people I need to find. Or, to where I may be found.
It is from that connection that I may plug into the world of people.
I am here.
This piece is connected to three others. First, you need to read them in the order I have in mind; when you’re through, you’ll see you can read them in any order you prefer. This should be piece no. 2.
Read the one before here.
Read the next one here.