Choose Your Journey: the Mystery
“What is your aspiration?” my daughter and a book I was reading asked recently (the mysterious synchronicity of this!).
I know connection has been my path all along.
I have taken the dive and connected with my self.
When plunging in for that abundance, I’m tapping into a mysterious element that’s beyond me, but nourishing me. Holding me. Guiding me. A nameless essence that my self rests on. Grows on.
Connecting with my self is connecting to that mystery. Shining out my light like a signal into the space.
Through my self, down to the essential cosmos, and finally out into the world of people. It never worked before.
Connection is but one word for abundance, guidance, strength. People are blended into all that.
I am here. Opening and shining into the world.
I am. Here.
This piece is connected to three others. First, you need to read them in the order I have in mind; when you’re through, you’ll see you can read them in any order you prefer. This should be piece no. 3.
Read the one before here.
Read the next one here.