Sorry for my somehow delayed comment. What about a pragmatic self? Assisted by a tailor-made mind? Neither losing itself into an absolute bliss of positivity, nor limiting itself to a dark pessimism.

Let's say, a self + a mind, both focused on solutions, on finding a balance. That "aurea mediocritas" which does not mean mediocrity, but a middle way that reconciles both ways. I hate extremes. A balance in everything, when possible, is my way in life.

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Thanks Mioara, yes, that’s exactly what I’m trying to say. Positive thinking is too often understood as painting everything pink (or a rotten fence white), and then of course there’s disappointment, plus the ridicule of those who call themselves realists. Positive thinking, in the Eastern tradition, is a way of mobilising inner resources to make amends where possible, and move on. It‘s not a way of denying reality, but a way of looking at it that enables us to seek solutions. In a way, you can call it the middle way between paralysing pessimism and the bliss of positivity (self-delusion).

Oh, and - there are no delays, you are welcome to comment anytime :)

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