Very thought-provoking. The most compelling magic I once believed in was the tooth fairy, and the day I discovered that the magical tooth fairy was a fantasy was so disappointing to me. I think that we need to get to the point that we can, "My life is good," and not need the magic to believe it.

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Yes, Jill, it's all about the belief behind the words, isn't it. That's the "magic" :) Thanks for reading and responding.

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A lovely tale, thank you.

I don't ever say that the magic was never there, but at times it is more difficult to summon. In those times, I remember and celebrate - and maybe that's a sort of magic, too.

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My life is good, the Universe is good, but what about People?!

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Thanks Mioara! Well, I guess any mantra can be substituted, including about people. This one's about people expecting empty rituals / words / gestures to do the trick, instead of going deep inside themselves to conjure up the "magic". It's all this mindfulness and self-help being practised superficially, oversimplifying things.

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Thanks, Victor!

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