The safe space to examine my idea of happiness and interact with the others, then reflect on what went well, or not -- that might made a big difference.

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I really love this! I didn't know about this being part of the curriculum in schools. I think it would be so beneficial here in the U.S. To teach children to have an awareness of, and then be able to cultivate, happiness seems invaluable to me. Thank you for sharing this!

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Thanks Jenna, glad you liked it. It’d do some grownups good, too, I suppose 😉. Thanks for reading!

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Oh my gosh, yes! I agree 100%!

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"O God, I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a king of infinite space – were it not that I have bad dreams." Happiness needs no definition. You just know when it is there, with you, inside you. More a state of mind. How to teach someone to be happy? Can one be happy forever? Or just a moment? Doesn't an infinite state of happiness harm happiness itself? If this permanent happiness leads to boredom? And you can no longer distinguish the feeling of happiness from the rest? Then there is no happiness anymore, Then there is no happiness anymore, but only a warm, calm state, so that Jonah's whale doesn't swallow you up. Maybe, instead of running after happiness tje way you run after a butterfly that flies too fast, too high, you should find a way, a path yours only, where you can find yourself, feel at ease with yourself and with the others. Politics have nothing to do with happiness. Like always, it's just a personal opinion.

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I guess we have different definitions of happiness in mind, Mioara :) I'm thinking more of the premises for leading a good life, THAT's happiness to me. Not the momentary bliss. Happiness as in doing what you can, doing what you like, getting rewards for making a difference to other people, getting a sense of what your life's meaning might be. And the classes mentioned in this post seek to equip the kids precisely with the skills to find, as you say, their own way of being happy, so there's no contradiction :). Politics may have a lot to do with happiness, when you live in a country whose government is not safeguarding your fundamental rights for clean water, decent health etc. As always, thanks for reading, Mioara!

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