May 28, 2023Liked by Zoe Carada

Well, yes. You are right. Loneliness has two faces. You can feel it as a burden, as something that stalks you, grinds you down and devours you. A repeated, unwanted stalker. Or, you may as well see it as solitude. Like that inner state of freedom, when nobody steals your time, nobody destroys your world. I am alone. But I feel my state of being alone as voluntary solitude. And, most of the time, I enjoy it. Most of the time.

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Thanks, Mioara, yes, I suppose "being alone" is a state that can be learnt. It comes with at least two facets. There's so much in a name: do we call it loneliness, do we call it solitude, or even freedom? It's how we feel about it.

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